Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Look Differently At Your Customers

Are you searching for new ideas to improve your business?  Try looking at your customers in a new way.

From the customer’s point of view, look objectively at the services and experiences you offer in each customer segment.  Evaluate the actual customer experience at every contact point within your organization and with each and every team member.

Do your customers perceive:

                Risk in dealing with your company?

Competent performance of services?

                Superior value received?

                A convenient customer experience?

                Timely and informative communication delivered in their preferred manner?

                Decisions made in their Best Interest?

                Advice based on knowledge of what works, what does not work and future technologies?

Do you want better results?

Purpose:  Review the Vision and Mission for your business to confirm that they are still relevant.  Are the right customer segments being served?  Assess the alignment of your team’s actions.

Focus:  STOP doing anything that distracts from delivering value to your customers and assign your resources to the best customer segments.

Simplify:  Make everything as simple as possible to deliver a consistently convenient customer experience and to make things go right.  LEAN 5S and Kaizen are good working concepts.

Reimagine:  Get a Vision of the type of customer you want and design offerings to attract them.  Engage those customers in a manner that makes them better customers.  “Everyone Wins When Things Go Right”

Fascinate:  Create a customer experience that is uniquely compelling and appealing.

Align and Empower:  Get your team and ecosystem in agreement.  Ensure they have the training, information, processes and tools necessary to consistently deliver your services and customer experience as designed.

Consistency:  Repeatability is essential to building customer trust and confidence as well as improving the performance and satisfaction of your team.

Customers are your company’s greatest asset.  Without profitable customers there is no business.  Creating loyal customers is the path to making your business easier to run, more profitable and more valuable.


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